The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


His trace inhabits every fraction of my mind, lingering like a thousand dollar perfume, lurking quietly in the shadow of anticipations.

What would i sing, if he's every song? 

What would i speak, if he's my language?

What would i dream, if he's my only imagination?

Now that he ghosts and I am on my knees, I've been counting days in the loudest silence, wishing upon the heavy rain to cl...

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Without A Full Stop

I remember when you leaned forward, away from me
As if i was a scarlet letter you wish you never bumped into
Back and forth busy re-evaluating all offerings on the table
I bet my name never made it to the highest scores list you've made
Cause you needed to create a whole new category for someone like me

Those strange happenstances and confused look in your eyes
Tell me, are you a little sc...

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