Newport, Rhode Island
Crisp air cuts through my skin, like paper to skin
the warmth of the sun
heats the metal of the railing below my hand,
holding steady to the rough current below.
Ropes of green curl below the surface,
peeking through the waves,
currents whip past the haul,
my soul opens to the depths as I look out.
Past the cobbled staircase surrounding the light house,
and dri...
Saturday 3rd February 2018 1:07 am
Trust Is A Fickle Thing
Ever hear the phrase
“Keep your friends close but your enemies closer”?
Friends know your weaknesses,
enemies can exploit them.
Being a roommate is different than a friend
You trust your friend
You might trust your roommate at first glance
I did
I regret that decision
Living in close quarters can cause a ruckus
but not as much as disloyalty and distrust.
Knowing a ...
Saturday 3rd February 2018 1:04 am
Lies, Lies, and More Lies
“I’m fine”
F. reaking out
I. nsecure
N. eurotic
E. motional
Those are the words that F.I.N.E make up
Words that lie
“I’m fine”
I say as my mind reels and races through time.
Not a day goes by that I don’t question myself.
My misconceptions and decisions.
I wish I knew how to express my thoughts
Maybe in a conclusive way,
one that was easily understood
and ...
Saturday 3rd February 2018 1:02 am
Shells fly overhead,
dust kicking up in the air
filling the lungs,
and choking the life
from the blank eyes.
Staring up wide eyed and teary
as the life slips away,
Laying there bare to the bone
stripped of the soul
lost to the sea of dust and rubble
laying underfoot of the building
Saturday 3rd February 2018 12:58 am
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