The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

death (Remove filter)

We All Die Someday

We all die someday

But in our own way.

Some even commit suicide

As their troubles, they can’t hide.


By the thin thread of life we go

When it ends, we do not know.

It can happen to the young

Because of the cancer lung.


You’ll be remembered by friends,

Up to the moment when their life ends.

Your family members will grieve

Telling about the things you achie...

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A Long Life Road


Our life is a real drama

In such a colorful gamma.

Our life is just a moment,

Sometimes with a torment.

Just have enough patience

To keep good relations,

To love truly and forgive.

You won’t believe

But today I cried away.

Someone thought it was a shame,

Someone comforted, didn’t blame,

Someone said: life goes on,

Someone dies and some are ...

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The Day of Grief And Sorrow


The day of grief and sorrow was yesterday.

Another friend of ours had passed away.

It’s impossible to express in words how our hearts pain,

But we all swear, the memory about him will remain.

He was reliable and life he loved so passionately,

Up to the end he was faithful and friendly.

He was his family support and our coach

Without fear, without reproach.


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