The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

dreams (Remove filter)

Spring Meets Summer

Today I got up in the morning

Before the dawn

And watched the spring

Dressed in a beautiful gown

Passing to summer its crown.


I opened my door wide

To watch the summer like a bride

 Accepts her sister’s presents.


The moment of love and peace,

The moment of happiness

I would love to seize.

The moment of sadness

I would love to cease.


I walked to...

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I Remember


I remember the joy and confusion.

A touch of your lips was not an illusion.

Almost love, almost fall into the abyss.


I know the secret of loneliness,

It’s a mystery and it is soundness,

The dream that was just a fess.


I run in a hush and in snowy garden

Longing and wishing to say ‘pardon’.

Missing the only one every day harden.


I reme...

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We go to bed with a dream,

We get up with a dream.

All our life we strive for a dream.

All our life we dream.


It’s beautiful to live with a dream,

Though sometimes we suffer.

There are moments we scream

And life seems to be a tougher.


We all dream to achieve a goal.

Our dream is an elixir of longevity.

It’s an elixir for our undying soul...

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