nonsense (Remove filter)
Fly Has Sat On The Sweetest Jam (nonsense comp)
There is no order here,
There is no any sense.
Can you make it clear?
Can you change a pence?
On a tin there sat a cat
It looked exactly like a rat
Poor little biggie rat
It has swallowed a cat.
Little cow wore a wig
And the ground it could dig,
Like a purple brown pig
Sat on thin and thickest twig.
In the farm and in the z...
Tuesday 20th March 2012 7:54 pm
In A January Morning (nonsense comp)
In a January morning,
On a sunny April day,
A crocodile croaks as it is May.
On the pavement bricks out of board,
There walks the tallest little lord.
In a hospital is healthy.
Poor man is so wealthy.
Fed to teeth I want to eat
And a cheat is so sweet.
Come my dears! Come to me!
I don’t want to see you.
Any false you say is true,
In the yar...
Monday 19th March 2012 11:52 am
Smart Little Johnny (competition)
It’s a real story that happened in one school
when a teacher appeared to be a complete fool.
Once when a teacher of math was sick
a teacher of physical education came, named Nick.
He wanted to show how intelligent he is,
so he said: Solve my problem please!
The car moves at a high speed.
To go to Spain a plane we need.
How old am I if the plane now is high...
Sunday 11th March 2012 10:54 am
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