The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

poetry (Remove filter)

The Twenty First of March


The twenty first of March!

It’s a rainbow’s arch as such.

Equinox in springs

World Poetry Day brings.


It’s not an accidental event.

It gives this day a certain content.

A content to all those who can fly

And to all those who new things try.


A poetic word is an art.

It comes straight from the poet’s heart.

It gives a poetic word a chance


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I don't write poems


I don’t write poems,

I drink them like wine,

I become tipsy

with each coming line.


I don’t write poems,

I breathe them like air,

I become so happy

when each one I share.


I don’t write poems,

I live with them;

they prolong my years,

they are as true as I am.


I don’t write poems,

I weave into verses

sadness, joy, tea...

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Why Poetry?


I won’t tarry,

I won’t marry,

I won’t complain,

Though the pain will remain.

I won’t ask: Please, take care of me!

Though the fear is inside me.

I will stay alone,

I will live on my own.

Writing poems will be my treatment,

With them I’ll find an agreement.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 11th of November, 2011

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