The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

real life (Remove filter)

June Solstice

The longest day of the year
in the Northern hemisphere.
The most Sun we experience.
For those seeking abundance
it’s a magical time – astrology says.
It has glorious beams and seeds
that you planted in spring
ripen and sweet fruit bring.
And here is a practical advice
that can’t be bought for any price.
Spend time in reflection and meditation
to understand the real world’s creation.

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naturesunreal life

Our Life is Short


It seems you forgot:
Our life is short.
There is no time to beg or…
Extort for support.
Learn how to live yourself.
Take a book from the shelf 
And…delicately leafing page after page
You will find a wood sage:
People are like books,
With different outlooks.
Some of them are good,
Some of them are bad,
Some of them are just mad,
Some of them are not sassy,
They lo...

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real life

The first or the last ...?

The first or the last,
Slow or fast …?
Does it really matter,
If you are thin or fatter,
A fool or so clever
Or never was a rot,
But love had a lot?
Will anyone care
If this case's rare?
Will anyone cry
If you live or die?
It happens often
When you are in a coffin
They say sweet words.
Now nothing hurts.
You don’t hear,
Though they are near.
You can’t speak,
You can’t throw a bri...

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real life

Dreams Are Forgotten


                                            Dreams are forgotten,

                                            They can be rotten.


                                            Pain ceases,

                                            Except soul diseases.                                          



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real life

How Many And How Few


How many men with whom you just can talk.

How few of men with whom you cherish silence

And go for the longest walk

To feel the natures fragrance.


How many men with whom it could be better to keep silence

So that do not spill the beans when you are in grief.

How few of men which could be a reliance

And do not steal your credit as a thief.


With wh...

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real life

Let's Live! Let's Love!


Let’s live, let’s love and even wonder!

Let’s cry, let’s laugh and trust!

Let’s hope for the best and even blunder,

Forgive, believe and do be just!


Let’s just admire fields, the sky and dew!

And if it’s hard do not give up but fight!

Go ahead, tomorrow you’ll all renew,

Without fright as truth is always right.


Let’s be honest when communicating...

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real life

When I Was Going Home


When I was going home


  the darkness was around,


  nobody on the street,.


  I saw an old woman,


  she was a dandelion like,.


  she rummaged in the refuse bins


  which were all alike.


  She was the one who's got her pension


  "in the proportion with her job".


  I wouldn't like here to mention



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real life

My life experience


The more I live the more I am surprised.

There are still a lot of things to be realized.


The life flows like a river on the land,

The more I know the less I understand.


The more I give the less I get,

But my life style is: Never regret!


The time flies, it will never come back,

But the hopes still live with no lack.


Some people say: T...

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real life

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