She's the new girl in town, getting everyone's attention
Her beauty is unique, her smiling face a novel mystery
Her soft gentle touch will make your knees weak, you'll fall for her
She's jealous, and wants you all to herself
she wants you home and isolated, away from everyone else
Her enticing ways will play games with your head, she'll get what she wants
You, exposed and vulnerable, laying ...
Friday 9th April 2021 8:44 pm
Rejection Redirection
No heartbeat, as it sinks deep into the pit of the gut.
The nerve of them, the pain from them, of the simple word, 'No.'
"You're not good enough, to be one of us, to join our Horse and Pony show."
Another one, the effort, the hope, I'll pretend not to care.
A moment without words or thoughts, the breath is gone.
Eyes blink once, yes, the void, the pain is still there.
Sitting stuck for a m...
Wednesday 16th December 2020 4:20 am
GHOSTS: The Blood Solstice
I was too young, with a full life ahead
An accident, a crash, and now I am dead
Jordan,.. Jordan Jenkins was my name
Now in a different realm I must remain
To my family, loved ones, and friends that I knew
I scrigned, I blinked, and loss my time with you
Cherish your time now, this life aint a game.
However sad it is, and sad it must be
Know that I have new friends now
And I am in goo...
Thursday 8th October 2020 6:50 pm
Anyone Out There?
Like a grain of sand on a mile long Beach
Counting each one seems out of reach
Like a planet and a sun the same we are
Knowing whats out there, a distance that far?
Babies who haven't yet learn how to walk
A race of the marathon? Let's have that talk.
How can we know whats on the other side
When we're stranded at home and don't have a ride
How can we say there's nothing there
Infancy, lim...
Friday 2nd October 2020 2:52 pm
Desolation of Z
Dark and bleak and empty and bare
This life is hard.. I hate it here.
Voided, eroded, saddened... barren of joy
Helpless, hopeless, soulless... a plain white wall
Mopey, lonely, gloomy...why even try
Hungerless, Sleepless, motionless...I might just die
Drowning, not breathing, cant gasp for air
Quiet pain, drenched in rain, not one care
Deserted, isolated, distressed and bored
want to, ...
Saturday 22nd August 2020 1:17 am
Lord Give Me Strength
Lord..... give me strength.......
Lord give me strength today, my eyes are trying to lead me astray,
I may have to pluck them out, but I really need to see my way.
The enemy is on the attack,
seem to have one hand tied behind my back.
Got to be strong, I know this,
but its so damn hard, some things I can’t not notice.
I need Help, I need a hand, I know I can be a better man.
...Thursday 13th August 2020 6:41 am
Criticized, Plagiarized, Ostracized, … Still, we are Here!
Survivors, Overcomers, … Strength to Persevere!
But we’ll settle with Equality, Transparency and a system that’s Fair!
No More… No longer... We won’t accept despair!
We’re not playing games, and we have no more fear!
We’ll March... We’ll Riot... and We’ll tear down your town’s square!
Black Lives Matter!
Thursday 13th August 2020 6:20 am
St. Kitts and Nevis Independence Day Poem
It’s Independence Day and I have something to say,
We are proud of our history and proud of this special day!
Liamuiga (which means fertile land) was the original name,
From the Amerindians that were here before Columbus came.
“This land is called Saint Christopher,” he soon proclaimed,
“I claim this land for the Queen of Spain.”
Then the English came Led by Sir Thomas Warner,
...Thursday 19th September 2019 5:09 pm
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