The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Till the end of the line

I have entered this new chapter of my life,

But it feels like the past is not so far behind.

I wish you were here to see the person who I have become today,

I wish you were here to tell me that it was going to be okay.


From seeing each other almost everyday,

To not having spoken to each other for over a year seems like hell.

I wish you were here to get me out of this mess,


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House of cards

Do you ever feel like a house of cards,

waiting to fall apart because you can't find your ground.

You know its time to say goodbye,

but its so hard to do.


I always knew this day would come,

with our future in our hands,

so many dreams,

so many plans.


All the days we had,

all the good,all the bad 

they will always be a part of me,

all the times we shared,


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Yours sincerely , Gen Z

Don't pressure us with your expectations,

Let us decide our own destinations,

Don't apply your social rules to our life,

Because this is our time,

Because this is our life.


Oh yeah we will make mistakes,

Hell yeah there will be some brakes, some cross lanes 

But since when did life become the safe game?


You called us soft soft,

we will prove you wrong,

Tell ...

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Be Your Own Hero

cant say how the days will unfold,

cant change what the future may hold,

but now I am ready for what life unfolds.


I am no longer sorry,

for who I want to be,

cause that's just a part of me,

that's going to succeed.


I am so much more than you can see,

I believe in me ,

if I keep on working hard,

I am going to show you how wrong you are.


I will achiev...

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When You Left

The hardest thing I ever had to do,

was having to say goodbye to you,

but how lucky am I,

to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye.


I  don't need to say a word,

you know when I am happy,

and when I am not,

but now we have taken different roads,

travelled different paths,

and heaven only knows,

if we will come back as the ones we used to know.



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what a girl really is

 what a girl really is

Despite all those who doubt,

I choose to stand out,

you might call me a rebel ,

but that's just who I am in the end,

I know who I am ,

I am no longer sorry for who I want to be.


I might not fit the idea of a girl in your mind,

I am done wasting my time trying to fit that image in your mind,

and that's your problem not mine ,

because its not...

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