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Broken with failures sin and sorrow,
The horizon lies miles away in a complete daze,
Every fading beat dims the promise of another tomorrow,
Hard it is on the crimson cross to gaze!!!

Though the raging storms throw me down,
Though the tossing waves pull me to drown,
Though my inspirations, with failures me crown,
Though friends exchange my smiles with an aching frown,
Tears of anguish,...

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Pursuit For Pleasure

Oh how the flesh longs and strives,

For all those momentary, worthless and selfish sensual drives;

No matter what noble task the Lord’s kept in store,

This pursuit for pleasure ruins it all, from the crust to the core.


Oh how the spirit longs to strive,

For a lasting, glorious, triumphant heavenward drive;

But like little yeast that works through a whole batch of dough,


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~~Life down here seems like in an alien land!
And though it’s a handiwork of Your precious hand!!
I am not comfortable in this alien band,
I wish I was placed on a safer sand.

“Let the dusk soon perish,
And dawn appear that I might cherish,
Let me soon cross this tedious mountain,
That I might be quenched by thy freshening fountain,
Let me soon recognize that is alien land,
Is your pr...

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