The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

(not so) seasonal depression

The sun was supposed to save me
Erase the dark
Outside and inside

I waited patiently
and I was determined
Trusting my everlasting assumtion
That that thing will come
Take the pain away

It would just take time

The time of waiting
Biding in the dark
The aching anticipation in the cold
All of a sudden
Seems oh so sweet

Once the alleged change appears

But nothing changes


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changecolddepressionfearfree formseasonsummersun

Silly dove

Pecking and struggling,
movements so frantic.
One piece too taxing,
the other not worth it. 

So hard work you pick
devoting all your strength 
to the oh so desired bit
as it avoids your attempts.

Until finally,
exhaustion and discontent
are what you're left with.

Stupid thing.
Instead of practicing yourself in modesty,
choosing the more compatible.

Disappontedly, you spread y...

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kill me.

Pain in my stomach, heart, mind,
stabs of a knife 
I yearn for this piercing pain 
I've lacked it far too long.

Ungrateful love:
Punch me, hurt me, kill me almost.


so later
when the rain has ceased
a flower can bloom again
a new blossom
the same plant

Revive me, ungrateful love
Make me another

Kill me.

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break-upemotional painflowersfree formfree verselovenew startpain

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