The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.


Trapped in an industrial freezer

the shelves announce no room for me here.

As the walls start to cave in,

the fear and numbness begin.

Crys only heard among these four walls

searching for escape before the night falls.

Piles of ice scrape to the floor 

no longer the nails that have been there before

banged and bruised, knees ever so sore.

Soles that I walk, no longer bar...

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A Sense of Security

Once left in solitary

now locked indefinately.

What had seemed safe

now rubbing the chains,

giving a bitter chafe.

At one point safety felt so free

the stray rescued is me

saved from the streets,

locked in a kennel til he meets.

The security was once appreciated 

arms fastened at the glove 

an anchor disguised as warmth and love.

this love can never be broken


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White invision to my eye

feel your presence round the sky.

Glare has punctured right through,

yet you kill the dark that brew.


Tingle down the spine

piercing shot from behind.

And there you appear 

once a thought, now so clear.


Now pulled out weightless 

taken to my father's fortress.

Commencement of life Part Two

tell me, tell me is this who

this whit...

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