The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


The sudden shift of your head to avoid me

The effort to not look up even though you knew I was there

The noise you create to drown out my stories about you


I know. I know.


I apologise for not getting the hint right away.

I got happy and thought otherwise.


I’ll slowly inch my way to the door now

And cast a final longing gaze,

Stay healthy and happy, my MVP.

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You are inside me but you are not really in.

I am clenching around you but I am not really close.


Such a paradox.

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I long for warm hugs on rainy nights

I long for good conversations on sunny days


I long for you in a world that’s tough on us

I long for you in a time that isn’t yet for us


I long for us.

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I saw you

I saw you wait

I saw you stared

I saw you walked by

I saw you dropped your shoulders and sighed


I wish you could have seen me staring at you too.

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