The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fresh streams, Tainted Depths


Like rainwater sitting out for days,

Attracting flies,

Like moths to a flame.

Serving no meaningful purpose,

So we remain


Nothing’s changed.


In a recurring cycle,

Appearing to be renewed

As more rainwater starts to fall.


But new drops only meet the surface,

Clean merging with the murk below,

Clear streams swallowed by t...

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Through The Storm

A mother’s heart, In pieces,

All hope gone.

Quietly she sits, Reminiscing On the day it all went wrong.

Heart-crushing words,


Her whole world torn apart,

As the doctor said,

Apologetic, “We can’t hear the heart.”

Completely numb,


She sits with a blank stare,

In total denial, Refusing To face her deepest fear

She cried out loud,


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Stillbirthinfantlossrainbowfamilymotherhoodmothers. children

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