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The Flower One Day

The Flower One Day / Michael Kwack



While I was not out,

The flower bloomed.


That will fall,

While I do not look,


The flower of love.


One day,


The heart will fall.

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Résumé / Michael Kwack


Love is, like art,

dull without passion.


Marriage is, like enterprise,

vain without fortune.


Home is, like a chair,

awkward without comfort.


Life is, like sleep,

hollow without a dream.


Death* is, like a letter,

absurd without a story.


  *Death means suicide.

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Arrows of Rain

On the empty wall of my room

I think I'll put a picture of the rain. --


Hitting the ground,

And getting up to ankles,


The rain will be wetting my socks

And trousers from below;


Then my eyes will follow




...tick, tick, tick...

Everything in the picture,


Until catching a black brolly,

And the shiny enamel shoes...

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