The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


Scream and fight,

oh little mind.

An endless battle

between you two


Always more than one,

never black and white

so you always fight.


Heart for love and lies.

Brain for truth and pain.

Listen to me I'm struggling!

Both of you take too much,

I can't keep up.


Fight for me and not with each other.

Fight for us and not some lover.

We need eachoth...

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Liar Liar,

Soul on fire

Burn thy little heart.


From your lies

the truth must rise

or you'll feel it rip apart.

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Remember Me

Darkest days

Be my brightest night

When I felt that sun glow touch

Emanate from your soft smile


Coldest wind be the

Torture of my skin

While your love seals me in

The violet of the dawning sky


The scarlet of the new sunrise

Is all I feel when you’re nearby…


Wait no…

This is but a memory…


Grab my heart and never let go

Do you remember that ...

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Enchanting, charming

Kind and caring.

How I fall for this disarming lie

Cunning, swift

Capturing and setting adrift.

A mind so confused

Looking for a missing muse.


There was a sign

Didn’t you see?

A warning of note

But no, you let it free.


Heart so soft and bruised

She doesn’t need to be used

But…it’s her fault

She must bring it to a halt



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searchingtroubled heartLongingconfusionSelf-discovery

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