The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The last corner of a cube of light

From the moment he appeared in this world he shone like a star. His baby face was like no other

. A cheeky smile like he already knew his mother,

he had been here before.

A soul that had already lived on this earth he finds it difficult to to accept his worth. Pressure to live up to the three lives - shoes he thought he could never meet. He had no idea he was just starting.

One day he ...

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Family brother love

Be better he said

He is sad, he is hurting


No one ever told him he was wrong. 

Spoilt and arrogant, 

He had become. 


Behaviour always accepted. 

A love for himself, 

he always expected perfection, 

Nothing else.


It’s not his fault. He knew something was wrong, 

an angel he searched for, an angel he won. 

Another win, at his feet, treated her with deceit. 



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Escaping the darkness

She has dark days and dark nights, and bright days and starry skies. He was diluting the darkness into brightness. But then he became annoyed at her darkness and started to see it all the time even when it wasn’t there. He would poke and prod for it, he was finding boxes of darkness that didn’t exist until he started creating them and suddenly she had more to carry than she realised. He was shouti...

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When a promise was a lie

Everything I wished for, everything I dreamed of, in my grasp. 

The dream became my nightmare. Torturing me by showing me what I want and need in life. Turning into something ugly and twisted. I have become a shell of what I spent years building myself up to be. 

It’s like I’ve crawled through the dirt and mud to get to the ladder, I climbed so I high I could feel the sun on my face and the ...

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