The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Bye Bye Santa

On behalf of a grown up child.

To my Santa with love,

Thank you Santa for all the gifts

You gave me till today

As I have grown my wishes have changed

I seek from you desperately some wishes Devine,

Peace in the world and hope for mankind,

A love filled life with my mom and dad,

And all my friends in the world,

Grant us power and good sense,

To forgive our friends and ...

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Love is a golden chain.

Hanging around heart and brain.

It is a hue that makes your life a rainbow train,

Fills your day with colours and glorious dreams,

Enthralls your body, mind and soul,

With symphony never ever heard before,

Your brain becomes a melody

Which enlightens your soul

Dark clouds become harbingers of rain,

If love is true and selfless,

Your min...

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New Born

The new born.

With the birth of a child,

A message from God has come,

That He has forgiven our sins,

With His unconditional love,

He sends us a bundle of innocence,

A bundle of purity and love

A symbol of loving families,

So keep the world, a healthy place to grow,

Keep it clean and environmentally green,

Allow moral and mental health to shine,

Give him a vision di...

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At this age, the sunset of my life,

I realised how rich I was with your blessings,

The youth, health, wealth and blessings,

That are no more with me and not useful too,

As my senses have all gone weak.

Sitting at home in a corner like a used cartridge,

I was always unhappy for one or the other thing

And never enjoyed whatever I had.

Pining for what was not still gained.


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My God

The scent of the thoughts about you

Has merged in my heart, mind and soul.

My life is entwined around you,

Like an ivy clinging to a tree

Hanging around and gaining strength

You are my love, my reverence,

I keep your scent with me in rain and sunshine,

In stormy sorrowful night,

Always with unfathomable trust.

No more I long for anything worldly or Devine,

As true lov...

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My Krishna

My Krishna was born in jail, my Christ was nailed.

My Buddha left his kingdom,

 My Muhammad reminds us of Karbala.

For all this, our sinner mankind

 Cannot be spared from blame   and remain blind.

Every time where ever He came on earth

To save, preach and help human beings,

He suffered, lived and died in pain.

Shame on us, we are same again,

Hitler, Mussolini, Al-Qaida ...

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The World on the Verge of Destruction

The world is on the verge of destruction.

When Israel continues illegal construction,

For years, refusing to compromise with Palestine

When Boko Haram takes away more than two hundred girls,

Sells them, binds them with bombs and

When incessant wars are going on,

In Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Palestine, 

Everywhere unbearable crimes,

Now is the time to follow me...

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White man with a Black Heart

Yesterday, when a white man with a black heart,

Killed nine worshippers in a church,

My stupid mind mercilessly thought,

God should have made us multicolored,

White head, black hands, red body, yellow eyes, green hair.

Each and every person very hot, or, Virgin mothers should have been blessed by Gods.

To have all different colored kids,

A Russian ballerina, a Mohammed Ali, a...

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Raise your Voice to Support

It is poetry too when you raise your voice to support

Displaced, wounded, emigrants,

Hurt without committing any crime,

Those people of villages and country side,

Who do not know what is boundary,

They cross through mud, and water

In search of two end’s meal,

Sometimes electrocuted and shot at border line

Some are traded by clever businessmen as labourers,

In lieu of t...

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He comes to Meet me at Dawn

He comes to meet me at Dawn,

Dressed in motely adorned with,

Mesmerising golden colours,

He loves not only me,

He loves all who live with me on this Earth.

Black or White, devilish or Devine,

Drenched in crime, He loves all.

He gives His golden shadow everywhere.

Sometimes He forgives a cruelest deed,

Sometimes He punishes at the very first and smallest misdeed.

They ...

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Poetry springs in the atmosphere when a singer sings in tune,

And the instrument is played with rhythm and rhyme.

It is poetry when a child in cradle innocently smiles,

It can also be seen in love filled mother’s eyes,

Or in the eyes of a beloved,

On the first day of married life,

Poetry is in truth and truthful ways,

Poetry shudders from crime.

It is poetry when you cook ...

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