The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.


For what we speak 
In every voice peak
Words pack punches
Immeasurable inches
Faster than thought travels
Unreachable levels
For words spoken
Are no token
But are like a sharp knife
Hot to slice through life
Change direction course
Without determining cause
For what has been said
For purpose of being heard
Cannot be on reverse gear
Be put in rear
Neither can it be tippexed

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If incredible awesome image 

of our Almighty Maker
towers every part of who we are
Foolishness becomes a misfit
distance far fetched
to be associated with being human

Who we are 
is not only shine of our physical appearance 
but tranquil of goodness 
in our soul continuously deposited 
no benefit visual eye can contend with 
we are

Foolishness is when words deceptive
from beauty...

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If incredible awesome image 

of our Almighty Maker
towers every part of who we are
Foolishness becomes a misfit
distance far fetched
to be associated with being human

Who we are 
is not only shine of our physical appearance 
but tranquil of goodness 
in our soul continuously deposited 
no benefit visual eye can contend with 
we are

Foolishness is when words deceptive
from beauty...

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