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The Emptiness Curling Within.

The emptiness curling within

Pushes out against my cold, numb skin.

My insides thinning into nothing but air

My fingers touch upon nothing but tears

I wake up screaming but no one can hear. 


I sit alone knowing what thinking can do 

I sit alone doing what thinking leads to

The pain is not there it is somewhere else

Perhaps the same place where this feeling is felt 


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There's nothing there.

Nothing's there, I know, I know

Touch my skin so I can show 

You how together I am

How forever I cannot be.

You showed me the way to an opaque me

You took it away and now they can see straight through me

Straight past me

Nothing's there I know, I know

Feel my touch so I can say that I'm ok.

Is that ok?

Have I done enough for today?

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