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 Have you ever been in a race and thought, I am almost at the finish line? Telling yourself I got this. Strategizing on how to take this one home, so close to victory you can almost taste it. Dead set on winning that there isn’t a thought that you could lose. Then you look over and realize the whole time you spent preparing for this race, you never imagined the competition wanting it as bad as you...

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Confession I’ve lost so much of myself. I didn’t even know where to pick up the pieces . I began to question who I was , what I loved , what drove me . This shit was crazy it was like I woke up one day and didn’t even remember who I was too much has happened my life was paused but I aged like fine wine . What’s happening to me .This was more depressing then a freaky Friday movie and this didn’t ...

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Playing with Fire ?

Playing with Fire Dangers of playing with Fire. Sounds obvious to me , I mean it’s fire who doesn’t know that ? But not every time will a person be afraid to get burned . The thought of how it will feel or what to expect . The curiosity or the what if . But then again it wouldn’t happen to me I’m smarter than the average caveman I got this . Sometimes we know we could potentially get burned a...

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Wasted Time

You ever sit and think why do I give him my time . One thing I hate is to explain myself to someone my reason for saying explain and not communication . Communication is key and it’s very important its the fact that no one wants to communicate until you already tried and now you don’t care .I’m a hypothetical person something is always on my mind and asking questions as a way to figure out a perso...

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Pride comes before destruction

Pride comes before destruction My mother always told me don’t let your pride get in the way of your future, I’m sitting here listening ,but not really hearing how could the person telling me this couldnt even listen to their own advice but like me always in a rush thinking I know it all . It crazy how I can think I don’t know it all after all I did this all by myself? Honestly you couldn’t tell ...

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