The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

In Her Eyes

I can see the sadness in her eyes

The kind that time creates

Evidence of the pain she feels

Proof her poor heart aches


I can see the loneliness in her eyes

Reflections of the world she's known

A life that never felt complete

A mind too often alone


I can see the despair in her eyes

She fears it's now too late

Her dreams are all just memories

Her empty soul...

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Take it Back

Another one of those nights

It's 3am and we're still screaming

I try to hold them back

But the tears they just keep streaming


We hurt each other for no reason

Just to be the last to get a word in

I don't want to do this anymore

But refuse to be the one who gives in


Until I can't take it anymore and cry...

Baby take that back

I know you don't mean it

But i...

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Precious time...wasted time....sands of time...

All just lost time savagely slipping away 

Like a masochistic god mercilessly ruling over us

No regard for our wants or desires

We beg him to slow down and allow us to revel in a moment

We plead with him to speed up and help heal our hurt

We cry out desperately for just one more day

We come away always ignored

His pace...

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My heart cries

My soul bleeds

My mind screams out in pain

I slowly exhale

My body goes numb

The memories still remain

The voices won't still

The soundtrack drones on

A prisoner inside my own head

I close my eyes

I whisper a prayer

I beg for the end up ahead

The quiet never comes

I find no relief

From the demons I battle by night

I swallow m...

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