The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mind watcher

Take a seat, it's a fine show Watch thy mind

where it fetters you in incendiary emotions,

thoughts who feeds whom, both they say

Parochial it might seem, it weaves a chimera of self

plays with the woeful past, fretful future


For it fears the present,

an impendance to its survival

You are not just your mind

Here comes the mind watcher



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She wished it to be a month of hope,

Not that of despair, or distress

Her days blurred in nothingness

Like a bird fallen in a trench, flapping its wings


Move, run, walk, read, write, stop!

Her body powerless, prisoned by her mind

Reduced to a mute spectator,

For her mind has a mind of its own


She dallies her day away

Eager for her sleep

No dreams, ...

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The evening lights are bright, 

The car has come to a stop,

The colors are different this time,

Shades of orange, white and green,

A quick flash, oh I held onto it,

A memory making its way through, 

A sweet stolen reminiscence.


 School walls adorned in colors, 

Merry of White uniforms, 

Green bands, Orange ribbons,

A paper flag pinned to my chest,

Flying high,...

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