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Praise the Day (Part 1)

I woke up this morning well ahead of my alarm

Filled with good intentions and desires- quite the opposite of harm

Surprised by the feeling of getting such great sleep

For the first time in a while I didn’t wait for the beep

Took a shower, shit, shaved and brushed my teeth

Eager to start the morning much earlier than this week.

The first ride cancelled, too impatient to wait


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Untitled V

Sometimes I question if what I'm doing is right.

I sit here in the sun all mixed up inside.

All I need is a voice from outside, but all I ever do is shut off and ignore all the signs.


Sometimes I feel like I'm bigger than the world.

This ego is inflated with the thoughts to destroy.

I'm brought back to the earth so quickly and so violently, I then again begin to question my sel...

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Untitled 4

All we do is hide away

400 trillion against me, it’s quite an interesting philosophy

Always finding inspiration from the dude Gary V

He's one of few who see it so clearly. 

We only have one chance

One chance to not make the world so dreary.


"Triple down on your strengths", "do what you love"

Yeah the money will come to you if you just stay above

Above the thoughts and ...

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Untitled 3

I hear your calls
I hear your notions
I see the truth
In all your motions
I hear your voice
I hear your sounds
I know your desires
Like a merry-go-round
So call my name
Please hesitate no more
I'll be lying in wait
For your knock at the door
Don't be afraid
For fear has its purpose
There's no room for cowardice
Not here nor this circus

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Untitled 2

It’s just another Sunday
Reflecting on my will
Disguised in what I should say
A concept in a pill
Oh, they say there is one way-eigh-hey
I’ll leave you here to pray-ey
Assuring life gets better
Controlling what we say

Blame it on the moonlight
Blame it on my youth
Blame it on the starsign
That’s our only truth

I focus on my own life
Not worrying 'bout you
I focus on the fine line

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Untitled 1

To teach his own, to teach
Has shown
Flowing fluently
Gliding gaily
A marvel is born, free
Free from demons
Free, from cynicism

To learn among, to learn
Has sprung
Decadent delight
Benevolent bliss
A saint is born, defiant
To understand, to teach
To teach

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