The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Baby Jade

 You made a woman of me.

With your little tiny little body growing inside of me.

A tiny foetus that turned into an embryo.

When I first felt you kick I knew I’d never let you go.

The result of a conception made in love.

You had the excitement of a puppy and the grace of a dove.

So small on that screen all bouncing around

When I first saw your scan my feet didn’t touc...

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miscarriagelosslosing a childdeathpainappreciating life


I am the one you kick cans at as you pass me in the street.

I am the one with the dirty hair and the scruffy clothes.

I am the one you cower from and snarl at as you pass my feet.

I am the one you pretend you can’t hear or blatantly ignore as I mutter ‘Spare change please’.


I was like you once I had a home, a family a smile. Now I have my dog.

I fought for the country ...

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tramparmy daysoblivionfearcold

Don't Quit


When they say you can't tell 'em why not

when they say you’re crap show 'em your hot.

Every great person has to overcome and demonstrate

The fact that they are great, only GOD can dictate, who else determines fate.

When you fall on your backside jump right back up and next time you might fall down on your crutch.

But each time you get up you'll be that bit stronger, ca...

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don't quityou canyou're hotreal failure don't tryshow em you can

My words

 My words are my weapon, my defence.

My words may redeem me or hang me out to dry.

My words maybe truth, they may be lie.


They are the thoughts that I can’t hold in.

The criticism I take on the chin.

My words can make me a great friend or a crap enemy.

They show me to be a bitch, a sweetheart, an idiot, educated?

My words reveal things about me that I could oth...

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my wordspoetrynot enoughbelong to meI love my wordsemancipated

Just Being Real


I can say I love you, I won’t ever hurt you.

We will never grow apart, fall apart, I’ll never break your heart.

I can tell you I will give you the world and more.

I can sing your praises till my throat gets sore.

I can say everyday will be better than the one before.

I can make you believe I will never walk out the door.

I can talk a load of crap if that’s what you...

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LoverealtruePaulyn Lloydbullshit



If a bitch stands on her own two feet and defends herself when she is criticised.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.     

If a bitch is real and exposes people when they’re chatting lies.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch demands respect and holds her own.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch still walks in greatness  even when she’s alone.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH

If a ...

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Paulyn LloydBitchrespecttruth




The one who was created as a nurturer, as a leader.

She has metaphorical balls that are stronger than man's physical ones.

She thinks with her heart. Without her mankind would not continue.

She is a mother,a sister, a wife a daughter,a lover a friend.

She is stronger and prettier than diamonds and more dependable than a Volvo.Her inspiration is everlasting.


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