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Bit on the Side

Come to Word Command's event at The Bit on the Side, Paignton, Devon on the 15th November. It promises to be a spactacular evening of fantastic artists - spoken word and performers.

I will be taking a set new to this venue - a 40 minute roller coaster comprising 10 sets of words, backing tracks, voices, characters and 11 costume changes all done on stage as part of the show.

It'll be grand t...

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Come to the Eldon House gig in Bristol this Sunday the 22nd. It promises to be a grand night and perhaps if we can generate a ripple effect of good and healing vibes - it might help stop the fight and bring peace. Come along - the more the better the ripple efect. It'd be great to see our faces in the crowd.

Love love love love 
Perciphone Petticoat

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