The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tending the Garden Within

In search of garden of hearts,

 Where the clouds can shower the rain of love

And the fragrance of trust that melt the hearts

Soil that hold tight which can hide the roots of all scars

Thorns that defend against the all the odds

Petals of comfort in the midst of struggles

sepals that support in weakest times

leaves that add green to life.

hues of red white and yellow that ca...

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I've come a long way

Peaceful mornings turned into mourning nights 


Yes, I've come a long way


Heartfelt smiles hindered behind the heartbroken tears 


Yes, I've come a long way


Endless thoughts occupied in lieu of endless talks


Yes, I've come a long way


Dreams of life suppressed by the mares of struggles 


Yes, I've come a long way


Shrieks of tickled pink c...

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lifegrowing older

The diadem of the land

A diadem of sovereignty, a symbol of royalty

made up of Unique jewel of valley surrounded by the rarest gold of Mountains 

 Waited for it's rightful place to dwell with all its treasures and troubles

After an indefinite hunt for a secular and Democrat souls

Chosen the queen of peninsula and set its heart on hers

The diadem added beauty to the queen and to the land it added fortunes


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A slit on a rock



A burg in a vale, 

Amassed stones and rocks as bulwark,

Assembled stones and rocks as a stack,

Stones and rocks stopping the waters from losing the track. 

Waters thrusting behind the concrete rock,

Forcing the stones and rocks to slack. 


A slit on a rock transpired,showing a way to break,

Waters dripping through the rock with a crack,

Droplets leaked out of ...

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How long have you been in me ?

You who loiter and linger 


Shattering all my dreams 

 Awating all the ordeals


Turning my bones weak 

Making my spirit bleak 


For iam growing lazy 

And admiring a life; cozy 


Forcing my forfeit to flourish 

And my serendipity to vanish 


They said idleness is destructive 

Want to undo my follies and be construct...

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Life lesson

Live in life

Sometimes it seems to be a cake walk

Other times it makes you to stagger


Sometimes it is a bed of roses that soothes you

Other times it is like thorns and briers that prune you


Sometimes it will give the love that reaches the sky

Other times it will give the hatred that is deeper than chasm


Sometimes it will pour riches and glory

Other times it will make you ind...

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A lake of 2 worlds

A lake in the midst of woods

Covering itself below the shades of saplings

Echoing along with the songs of feathered friends

Glazing under the rays of the fiery sun

Dancing with music of droplets of rain

Hovering under the crystals of ice and sleet

Refreshing under the breezes of wind 

Overflowing with all the vivacity it had 


Days have gone

Seasons have changed


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