The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Silence (or is it something else?)

The silence is deafening


I'm not sure when the silence stopped being calming


At some point the comfort of quiet turned into a prison


It's not that there's no sound, not exactly


I think I just stopped listening 


Now I can't listen, even if I try


I think I just stopped remembering how


It's not that I can't hear, not exactly 


At some poi...

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I Hate You

I hate you 

Can't stand you

I think that I love you

You know me

Ignore me

I want you to love me

I love you 

Just want you

I really do hate you

You see me

Smile at me 

I want you to leave me

I need you

Don't want you

My heart is stuck on you

You want me 

Don't need me

Just stop talking to me

I love you

Don't love you

I just want to hate yo...

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It's the Little Things

It's the little things. 


It's when you catch him smiling just looking at you. 


It's when he reaches for your hand when he sees your heart sink. 


It's when he treats you like you're strong when you smile through the pain. 


It's when he kisses away your headaches. 


It's when he comes running just from hearing your voice. 


It's when he pulls you up and ...

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Happy Birthday (in memory)

It's been 

A long long while

And your face

Is coming back 

Into my dreams


I've searched

The whole wide world 

Across but I can't 

Find the words to 

Give you peace


It's been a long year

It's been a hard time

But I can't erase this 

Date from my mind


So I guess there's only 

One thing left to say

Happy birthday 

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Life is No Place

Life is no place

For the living

Death is no place

For the dead

Those who're alive

Are there for the pride 

And the dead



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Can I Have This Dance?

I want to be the one to make you smile

Because I'm selfish

And your smile parts the seas


I want to be the one that makes you laugh

Because your laughing 

Reaches deep dark parts of me


And I know that you could be

With anyone but me

Without giving me a second glance 


So I hope that you can see 

How glad I am to be

With you, and that you gave me a chan...

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My mother calls me brave, so I am brave. 


She takes me to the bus stop on the first day of school and I am scared. She smiles and lets me go, so I smile and go. I am brave. 


She sits me down and tells me we are moving. My father will be gone a while, and I will have to make new friends. She tells me not to be sad, so I stop crying. I am brave. 


I want to dye my hair blue. I...

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