The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The Truth Hurts

Strongholds of war threaten our life supply,
for death awaits those who seek and speak truth.
Battles are waged within our safe havens,
as kin and friend shed their masks of deceit.

Doorsteps of homes alter into altars
Refuge is taken spiritually now,
for the church has fallen religiously.
Satan worshippers disguised as righteous
Believers, spitting the Word better than
us because False...

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poetikaly anointedpoetrytruth

Future's Past

Past has always chased Future's Present;

for Past envies its favored presence.


Mockery laced with lust

as injections plump busts.


Yet, Children of the Sun

will remain to be shunned.


Hot remains split like us

till we reach Exodus!


Hollowed we lie down deep;

your ass best wake from sleep!


Past was shiny, now played out.

Present is dying and s...

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Motherhood, A Poem About Mothers

A Mother's Day Poem for that Special Woman in your life. Enjoy!

Like Cheryl "Pepsi" Riley,

I will sing, "Thanks for My Child,"

to Heaven's Divine vast skies;

for the praises of my heart

flows within each verse I pen,

to etch the love that we share.


Being "Mother" is a gift-

not a luxury some claim;

children are precious-not pawns!


No matter where we maybe,


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Mother's LoveMother's DayPoetryMother & Child

Human Writes, A Poem About Protecting Human Rights

You spit "Nay"


in our "Ayes"


to express


your oppress-


sive nature.




Nothing new-


old tea brewed;


spring cleaning-


first inning.




Soul-less laws




human rights,


to sell slaves.




Bordered walls


paved with blood-


stained bodies,


buried below.


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freedomhuman rightslawswomens rights


You calculated the acts
but miscalculated facts
with your flawed calculator,
set on manipulator.

Who will you deceive next?
Prepare to be her ex-
lover turned abuser-
pray for your accuser.

She knows your lustful ways
lurk in dark walls to play
games of the fetish kind
with other perverse minds.

Beauty slipped on your icy
hills of lies with spicy
sleds that you call a tongue,

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Overcoming BetrayalSemi-Personalbreak upsseparationdomestic abusenarcissism


Never let Haters Define you by the box they create for you! They persecute you because they FEAR you and your Greatness!

She crawls on self-defeat

with her sore bare feet.

Jagged cracks play on tiles;

i deem them infantile.


Reflections of old wake

as memories overtake

the waterfall of tears

which draws oh so near.


Waves of empty promises

splash against thi...

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Self-DefinitionHatersSelf-WorthSelf-esteemPoetikaly AnointedSelf-Identity

The Nativity Told Poetikaly

Three Wise Men-
A Star Mapped
A Babe Wrapped
in swaddled clothes
for the wind blows.

Herod seeks Mary's womb
through Magi to cause doom.
They hunt The Messiah,
the Son of Jehovah.
Angel's voice protects them,
saving us from mayhem.


Baby Jesus was spared
Mary and Joseph faired
well and found a manger
as they escaped danger.
Peace befell Bethlehem
Behold God's Pr...

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Baby JesusThe NativityPoetryPoetikaly AnointedHerodThe Three Wise MenMangerJoseph and Mary

Pieces of Me

My light shined upon

the dark hues of you-

the vastness hidden

in narcissism.


I coated the pain

with discarded paint,

bleeding through linens

of truth's art canvas.


Fragile yet edgy curves

dance into shapes that

identify me,

granting sanity.

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losing selfself-identitynarcissismdomestic abuseself-lovesanitypoetrypoetikaly anointed

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