The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.



With two stressful years.. we happily passed three semesters of our Post Graduation with academic pressure, hostel pressure and doing everything together wala pressure.. which pressurizes our brain like a pressure cooker..

Three months left to leave this University..going to be a post gradute after few months.. still feel like a wild child running away from homeworks and tuitions..not feel...

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"Real love is something which is eternal" as I`ve seen since childhood..First "MOM AND DAD" Second "DIDI AND JIJU".. Love is made up of Trust, Loyalty,Understanding and Support. Falling in love is very easy but to live in love for years with lots of ups and downs is really hard..One needs to understand what the other one is going through..One needs to support each other..One needs to be protective...

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The place where she can`t be happy enough

Racing like a rat to reach her destination is really tough..

This place gives her nothing but depression

Full of fake people roaming around..

Everybody is busy making an impression

And she feels like she is nowhere to be found..

She cried alone and wipe her tears in the middle of the night..

Thinking of where life has pushed her away i...

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The symbol of unity and violence

with the spirit of nationalism..

Without the britishers interference

we live a life of Patriotism..

The feeling of oneness amongst the people

makes everyone abundent and liberal..


India is incredible in nature

with its own desirable creature..

The slogans that we heard

and the lessons that we learned..

Tell us to live in Peace and...

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I am feeling blessed for a beautiful life like this.. I am blessed for having a supportive sister and a strong mother.. I am blessed for a soul who is not with me.. but looking at me from the sky.. "DAD" I miss you..everyday..every moment..every second of my life.. Whenever I am happy.. Whenever I am sad.. Whenever I am excited.. and whenever I feel really bad..

Life showed me many things at a ...

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She is more than anything for me..

She just treat me like a baby..

She is my second mother..

Her jokes makes me burst into laughter..

Six years older than me..

Still looks younger than me..

She is more than a brother who can protect me whenever I am in trouble..

She is none other than my sister who helps me to overcome my hurdle..

She is my Bestfriend..who helps me to choos...

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Life is a season

I've been stuck in the same place..for the same reason

Loneliness came into my life like a wave

It will splash me outside from the cave

Struggles are getting harder day by day

Hopes are in my mind as well as in my heart in everyway

Sometimes I feel like I can't do it anymore

Wanna go far away and sit in the seashore..

Giving up will make me a...

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She love to fly.. 

She love to climb..

The girl who never cry.. 

Just love to make a rhyme.. 

One day she left her home alone and stuck in the land of butterflies..

That serenity that caught her mind, touch her soul and just passed by.. 

She wonder about her life which is so amazing..

The dreams that she is chasing..

Somehow a bit hazing.. 

But simply amazing.. 

She w...

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Life is pretty exciting, which change all of a sudden..

With a little bit of excitement and head full of burden..

Faraway from home is like faraway from tasty food..

Taking your own responsibilities is pretty much good..

Sometimes life turned upside down when I cannot find a way..

No matter what happen..Life sometimes sucks in everyway...



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She was standing near the ocean all alone..

waiting for the sun to come out..

Loneliness whispers her "go back home.."

but she was standing still caring without..

The waves splashes..

and suddenly her eyes blink..

with those brown eyelashes..

she started to wink..

The sparkle of sand..

in this beautiful island..

mesmerize her so much..

she feel like she is in wonde...

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Wherever she goes

Bad luck follows.. 

Her destiny never let her glance.. 

whenever she got a chance..

She wants to be capable of something..

something which will make her happy..

But that 'negligence' always makes her feel like "she is nothing"..

which makes her more creepy..! 

She has been totally lost.. 

since the day she is the one with the extreme uttermost..


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His softspoken funny words used to make me laugh..

But now..forgetting those memories is really tough..

Hedoesn't even care what I need..

He said "no one can rejects you" but he did..

I was a day dreamer which made me stupid..

For him I was too small and gradual to be perceived..

He thought that it was a he is fool..

But I was in a rush ..which made me "emotional foo...

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The day you go away..

was the day I've no words to say..

It seems like you are my weakness when you're not behind me..

I miss you in every seconds from the day you left me..

Those tears that roll down from my eyes was the tears for you..

I don't care about my tears but I care for you..

"My love is pure

let's make it cure

Wish your love is pure

Let's make it sure..."


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The flowers started to bloom..

I dance around my room..

I feel like I am his bride

and he is my groom..


Suddenly i stop thinking..

My eyes started blinking..

my mind says he is nothing for you

my heart says he is all you wanted to..


I went through my mind..

and ignore my heart..

because love makes me blind ..

And i don't wanna get hurt...


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He came like an air

and touch my hair..

Like the wind that flow

which makes me glow..

The moments that we spent,

The messages that we sent..

will be my memory forever..

I will never gonna forget you ever..

Our first met was awesome..

That day you really make me blossom..

Just like a flower which blooms and smile..

Never gonna forget that ride to 9th mile...

I wa...

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