The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Waves of Life

A child is born, a new and different soul

Who enters into changing waves of life

That carry him from birth until his death

Through sorrow, joy, despair and happiness.


The childhood starts as blessing and great joy

For caring parents that are nurturing

Before emerging in the cruel world

Where people always want what others have.


As growing up, the goals are aiming ...

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The Last Judge

A strong and righteous man was living once

Defeating all his foes on every time

And everywhere he met them, fought and won,

As many as they were, they always lost.


The villains tried in many different ways

Without succeeding to upset the man

Until they paid a woman to find out

The secret of the power that he had.


She was a cunning and nice looking girl

That aft...

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The Guitar Player

While sitting on a long and wooden chair

A lonely girl is playing the guitar

And when the left hand slowly moves along

The right hand gently touches the mild strings.


The room is empty and the lights are dimmed,

The walls are dark and distant around her

And hidden from the sight of anyone

But still surrounding her from every side.


The woman has a white and lovely ...

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There are some people living among us,

Most of the time they’re rich with higher ranks

And looking down to everybody as

They think themselves superior to all.


When seeing that they have all they would need

And even more while others strive to live

Is giving them a pleasure they enjoy

And make them feel accomplished their lives.


So many times they’re doing harm aro...

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The Journey


The plain and simple things are those we feel

In our lives on any common day

And keep us all together on the ground

Like sturdy stones resisting over time.


They are the same for poor and rich alike,

A hug, a smile, a warm and sunny day,

Reminding us that we are here and live,

As different as we are, in the same world.


Apart, there are some goals and wishes, t...

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At the Theatre

Below the shining ceiling spanned above

Inside the tiny loges spread around

A young girl with her mother sitting down

Is waiting the beginning of the play.


She’s wearing a new dress she bought last week

With fancy haircut that she likes so much

And rising from her seat with prying eyes

She wants to see it all, to hear it all.


Two ladies speaking loudly behind her,


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A tall and wooden window’s open wide 

And lets the early summer sunshine slip 

Inside the dimly lit and narrow room 

And draw few feeble shadows on the walls. 


Beside the window stands a girl and looks 

Towards a very distant place, away 

From where she stays with shoulders brought in front 

While arms are tightly held around her waist. 


She wears a lively coloure...

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Few heavy clouds are covering the sky 

Above the lonely white house with brown door 

Where at the window an old lady sits 

And stares outside with gloomy sorry eyes. 


Next to the house a couple stands and looks 

Towards the house with their little child. 

It is the lady’s son, his wife along 

With their daughter that are visiting. 


The family is staying in the str...

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River by Night

The night has come and bright stars fill the sky  

Arranged in lines and shapes from side to side  

And gently light the things and men along  

Creating moving shadows on the streets.  


The quiet river flows under the bridge  

And smell of fish is coming with the wind  

While burbling water hits below the shore  

Where boats are waiting for a new day’s dawn.  



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The different shapes of white and hasty clouds

Are letting see the blue and shiny sky

Just here and there and only for a bit

To show the sun is up and lights the day.


We see the rocky mountains spread around

With green and scattered spots all over them

That are from lonely trees among the stones

Like spears raised from the forest to the top.


Few groups of houses s...

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