The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Feeling on top of the earth


Earth lover

All of his own accord

Abundant strides for green, blue, brown, chalk, all

Delight in his resolve


What an earth at those feet of that



Free-spirited man

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Smile, there, keep

Your smile was just the start

From there you won my heart

Let's keep it there

For smiles we share

Grow less and less apart

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He handed me his spare umbrella

Felt uncomfortably wrong in my hand

Felt uncomfortably wrong for my eyes seeing

Him walking next to me


Strange friend


Why is this dude with me?

Why is this dude with me without mutuality in want?


So why is he with me?

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Breaking point...

Broken point...

Mind out.


Tears bled

Blood shed

Mind aired







High as the sun;


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Darkness lies

Defenseless in the face of truth

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Quote stealing! John 1:5, the bible

"The light shines in the darkness

And the darkness has not overcome it"


Even when we have not succeeded

We have not been defeated


For as long as I have breath

I have hope

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Crab spider


Yet unaware

Numbly green

Apparent fear


Haul self to ground in a fleeting moment


Nothing to lose

Nothing to gain


With a web

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Our pieces won't fit

Our pieces won't fit.

Surely you see it?

Yours cut through mine and

I feel it

You push to change what is

Down-right solid, yet

Knowing full-well that

You can't.

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Dears and Pleasants

I love you

That defines your beauty

Real love is


Cast clouds

Your shine shines through

This is all I feel: you


As if you're reachable

I would hug you

With that gun in your hand


And tell you loud enough for you to hear:

"I never meant to feel this way

And love


Why are you finding fun in

Shooting deer and pheasants

While you could be free...

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