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Hello, how are you today: upper,middle,lower— class.
front, and center.
I’d like to think if a kid were to get up and say I can’t stand this, then the teacher would get behind them in an orderly fashion.
side by side, classroom C-3 parts in the middle of the day, to make their way back to their seat,
show and tells of mommy and me– are always well received.
A pinned-up faction icon that sta...
Monday 15th February 2021 12:20 am
Matriarch butterfly, conduct conducive
mother gaia's demeanor echo.
as you move mountains
as she size your shoe, electrifying presence
you're so well grounded
heart fluttering, don't be disheartened.
trumpets erupting, as you walk the walk, my mind carry off as I'm wrapped in your minutiae
Shift the world, your tectonic occupancy lay rise to volumes of topographic novelties
Sunday 16th February 2020 8:56 pm
soul mates
Let's let our thoughts tango and let our souls mate
my heart on my sleeve, on display
she is my armor, forever with fervor
worth the search for, pain couldn't hurt more
Her radiance blazes, visually a spectacle
her calming presence.
In essence, my mind linger.
Drift off to the cosmos. to a place where space and time coincide
I see her constellation and engage, warp drive
...Thursday 25th July 2019 2:02 am
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