The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

I am I without a name!

I am I

Without a name

I am I still

Without a name


You may wish to call me in the dark of night

You may wish to reach out,

When I am out of sight,

You may wish to write me a poem,

A song or a sonnet

What name shall you then

Write upon it,


So precious name,

You are not in vain,

Addressing this house, this body, this frame,

Though it too will change...

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Namespoemssongssonnetsi amprecious

Dance Dance

Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes up

To the worlds glorious rise

To her chant, her breath, her freedom

Her nurturing boundaries

Such nectar,


Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes up

In the evening I shall rest

Rest inside her sweet surrender

Contented to my soil rich roots

For the world has been my playground


Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes u...

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Post Meditation

I grow the interest to know who thinks me,

I am still and silent at first,

The breath moves, I am given life,

I am in it, of it and with it,

The same as you, I am


I notice that my form is a vessel,

But I am not my form,

My thoughts run like programs

But I am not my thoughts

my emotions are felt deeply

But I am not my emotions


My body a sensory interpreter


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Meditationthinkinginterestspiritspiritualitylifemy life

When The Sun Set!

Your hand touched mine

At first nothing

Then everything

All at once,

Like the world bursting into summer

A horse galloping across an open field


The sweetest nectar ever tasted

Lost inside

The kindest eyes

Wondering where we had been in eachothers lives


It had began

Different yet the same

Passionate and alive

Exciting and surprising


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Let Not Distraction Keep You!

Let not distraction keep you!


When The Drama of the perfume Fades

The Tossing Tousled hair parades

Settle in a lazy muse and the moon no longer lingers,


When the mystery seems tired as the night turns day,

The conversation feels hired as the wine wears away,


When reality strings together like a cellists’ tune,

Awaking your longing for a richer room

Be the see...

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alcoholdistractiondreamsdrugsfulfillmentPurposewaited lives

One Day!

One day I'll meet you In that place!!


I don't take drugs

I tried a couple times

So I can tell you what it feels like

I don't drink

Probably all the sips I've ever had

Could amount to 2 glasses of white wine and those sambuca shots when I was 17yrs old!

I love dancing

I don't seem to do it much 

But I love moving 

That I do everyday with Yoga

I love fashion and...

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