The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

What then, What now?

Looking back at all the things I said,

I wish I could of bit my tongue if I knew what lied ahead,

Is it really pride?

Or am I just scared of the emotional ride?

Don't have time to decide,

When your mind has been tied,

All this time,

Should of kept things black and white,

With a little bit of red,

Maybe it's the colors you shouldn't dread,

But what lies in your head,


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Scattered Minds

A scattered mind,

Isn't to hard to find,

Especially if it's mine,

Is insanity such a crime?

We don't have much time,

Don't be like your dad,

I hear,

Do you think it's a fad?

I wonder,

Does blood really stain?

Or do you think this judgement is simply too vein?

Let me reign,

I'll take away the pain,

I'll stick listening to my brain,

And leave your bleeding h...

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