The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Best of Manchester Poets Volume 2

‘Restless Art’ and ‘Seagull Shaped’ are two bookends of a beautiful Manchester love affair that lasted just as long as it should have done, the latter due to be published in Best of Manchester Poets Volume 2 in December. The former - also about the indecision between two people - was originally called "Red", who provided much of the inspiration for the poem and, indeed, coined its eventual titl...

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Stevie TurnerRestless Art on Random WallsRedSeagull ShapedBOMPBest of Manchester Poets

poetry from Tudor House, November 2009










Mother says I eat fast when I’m unhappy,

Like I have got used to there being no time.

She looks for signs like this

Knowing that only after

Will she find out what was wrong,

Pours the wine, loosens tongues,

Serves up all the desserts I have ever loved.


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Evil Winks at the Camera

America opted not to take the nuclear option that was Sarah Palin; in case anybody thinks this poem is no longer relevant, she - at least - thinks that Palin 2012 has a ring about it. Lest we forget, this is called

Evil Winks at the Camera


Evil winks at the camera

I betcha, doggone ya

A hideous malfunction of the American dream

And I don’t want to sound like I’m pr...

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A Girl Like Faith

It's a modern trend that we are asked to give our opinion on the news - email us! visit the website! vote for your villains and heroes! - but sometimes people forget that the individuals in the news are real, often people who have never asked to be famous and by the misfortune of a tragedy are suddenly up for public consumption, an interpretation - denigration - of character by those who have n...

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