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messages from america

the answer was right there in front of me

was i being naive in believing it couldn’t be true? 

or was i being naive when i believed in you.

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i’m sure you won’t

all these cold faces 

no depth or kindness 

just soulless faces 

that don’t understand me

these are the faces 

that scare me 


-is anyone like me here?

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i realized that

once you let the flower die

you can water it all you want 

but it won’t come back to life

the petals fall 

and lose their color

but the roots are always there. 


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a story like this

I know you are hurting

I know you feel alone and that 

applying more pain is the only feeling 

that brings somewhat of meaning

to yourself. 

But I promise you, 

you will smile again

you will enjoy the little things

for everything that they are

and when you reach the point 

when you dont know if you 

should even be healing

or if you should stay down this dark roa...

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good for you 

and good for me 

but we both know 

what's meant to be. 

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the days move on 

slower than ever

but surely

im getting better

i no longer hear your voice

in my empty head

i'm starting to see happiness instead


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