The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Poetess

The Poetess

It was the twelfth
Of the twelfth
11 days ago
She searched for
10 different ways
To say the same thing
Wrote 9 down
Pondered on 8
Chose the best 7
At 6 she thought she was complete
Then decided to use the first 1

In her pursuit to find
The perfect muse
Move away from the vacuous norm
She travelled
Sojourned many less-trodden shores
Met a rainbow of natives

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poetrypoetessbeachwaveswriters block

This Current Economic Climate

This Current Economic Climate

The unknown

The feared

The fear

Grows when allowed


This society

Burrowing its venem


Deep, deep

Those that can’t pay don’t

And the bill becomes larger and larger

And their pockets become smaller and smaller

Then their houses get tinier

Then they lose them

And their sleeping blankets have no zip...

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You only feel lonely when you’re in a crowd
Say you need peace and quiet then turn the music up loud
Only feel let down when you’re being held up
Say you’re okay, and then almost erupt
Only feel my presence when I’m far away
Only say go, when you want me to stay.

You speak words of wisdom and act like a fool
Set high standards for others, then break every rule

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PoetryLovereal lifelifeLove lost

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