The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Sodom & Gomorrah

Her thoughts are a bulwark of hedonism and pain,
who will dare storm it with hate and vain.

Princess oh princess their voices shout,
whipped by carmine thorns in a lethal clout.

Your words speak of heroes but your actions sew malice,
life is no fairytale and you arent alice.

So bring forth another herold on his steed,
may hybris put an end to his ignorant deed.

Pale skinned and cri...

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The constant dripping of rain on the ground,
creating a mesmerizing but monotone sound.

Every small drop exploding on my skin,
the sky's tears washing off my sin.

Carmine streams floating down my pointing digit,
cleansing my skin from traces so rigid.

My head arching back into my neck with a whimper,
my red dyed lips curling into a smile that's simper.

The nocturnal blade slipping ...

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The voices in my head so loud and chaotic,
making my thoughts and actions oh so psychotic.

An endless hurricane of whispers and screams,
manifesting memories in my haunted dreams.

When I close my eyes I see his repelling gaze,
laying on my bared skin as my mind goes haze.

The dimlit room turns into my minds prison,
restraining me forever as the demon has risen.

-The Crescent Moon

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Heart of Steel

And your love was like a dandelion, in the end to be slain by artemis like orion.

All that remains is the blowball of empty phrases, to be lit by my bonfires greedy blazes.

I won't even say that I need time to heal, 'cause your words left no mark on my heart of steel.

-The Crescent Moon

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The rain so loud on the street, calming all the voices in my head.

The thunder rolling, lightning cracking, my heartbeat slowing, thoughts subsiding.

But you remain.. like the smell of rain.


-The Crescent Moon (for H. ♡)

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She swept into my life like a wave, wild and untamable like a rave.  

She took my hand and smiled, touching what I thought was defiled.  

My bonfire guiding to sweet bliss, she is the light in my devouring abyss. 


-The Crescent Moon

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Shallow under skin and flesh, 

my blood is lying warm and fresh.


Rip my skin and make it flow,

feast on my oozing ichors bestow.


Carmine and metallic in taste,

trying to still your greed and haste.


My skin goes pale and my heartbeat slows,

my last whispered words "Let me doze.."

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