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peace (Remove filter)


Live every day like it was meant to be,
helping all those who want to be free.
Feel the warmth in a genuine smile,
a childish giggle can bridge the miles.

Surround everybody with happy ways,
bask in the heat of the suns warm rays.
A world of love and peace for all,
where we help the ones who trip and fall.


I may be a dreamer of fanciful sights
but dreams are better than childis...

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To hold you up

if you start to fall

and fly to your side

whenever you call.


To hold you close

when dark closes in,

I’ll feed your heart

and beat from within.


To feel your warmth

and the glow of your smile,

when the clouds are parted

we can see for miles.


To hold your hand

through life's testing times,

to shield and protect

on those slippe...

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Drifting high on a gentle breeze

and grazing the tops of lofty trees,

watching below, all the people move

but there’s nothing left, up here, to prove.


Floating higher and into the clouds,

the sultry silence so deafeningly loud.

Throbbing pulse of a beating heart

as atoms pull; trying to drift apart.


Looking down upon an ailing world

with colourful rags held hig...

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You say that I'm a dreamer

and so I may well be

but the dreams I have

aren't just for me,

they're for you and all to see.


The dream is of love,

of life free from harm,

a dream of peace and

shelter from the storm.


The dream is the lifeblood

flowing deep in our veins,

the dream will always be

for all to see

and all that remains.


The dream is t...

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