The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Behind the Stone

Behind the Stone


Upon the stone face of the world

the laughter of trees; the scars

of the battles of sun and snow.

Behind the stone, 

the graves of lost streams

and printed in rock, 

the fish of a swallowed sea:

locked in the ripples of time,

the clock of a billion years.


Upon the stone face of an old man

the scars of a war, the lines

etched in channel...

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Timeold age

Kevin the Chameleon Astronaut

Kevin, the Chameleon Astronaut

As he sat in his space ship

young Kevin knew that soon

he’d be the first chameleon

to walk upon the moon.


He clambered down the ladder

in his special reptile suit,

his high tech lizard helmet

and his little welly boots.


He wandered round the surface

picked up a rock or two

then Kevin came to realise

there wasn’t much to d...

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poetry for schools

Kevin the Chameleon Astronaut

Kevin, the Chameleon Astronaut

As he sat in his space ship

young Kevin knew that soon

he’d be the first chameleon

to walk upon the moon.


He clambered down the ladder

in his special reptile suit,

his high tech lizard helmet

and his little welly boots.


He wandered round the surface

picked up a rock or two

then Kevin came to realise

there wasn’t much to d...

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poetry for schools

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