writers (Remove filter)
We are the lovers
of this kaleidoscope
this ride we’re on
As we twist, we write
of the myriad colours
the fireworks dazzling our eyes
of tears, tantrums, seering sunsets
the veins in leaves
the storms between people
beautiful and terrifying
all at once
We are the lovers
of words on lips
their taste on tongues
and turns of phrase, delicious
The flick of nib on paper
the trail of i...
Monday 15th July 2024 12:28 pm
Afternoon Café
There’s a café down the hill
where I do my wistful Sunday dreaming
Sitting in the front bay window
hypnotised by raindrops
as they whisper against thin panes
I watch the people out in the street
pull their coats over their heads
and dash from shop to shop
Eavesdropping on the other diners
and the occasional glance towards the crossword
I let my mind wander freely
and chat with the wee...
Wednesday 6th September 2023 4:13 pm
One Last Affair
I’m wearing blue, you’re dressed in red
lit by the dancing candle light
in the depths of some back table
at a late night poetry evening
Our only hope to stay safe tonight
is to keep this table between us
Some wily orator spills their guts
before the hallowed microphone
but all I care to know now
is do you smell as good as you look
Each of us wills the other to go too far
with a ‘what’...
Friday 25th February 2022 3:55 pm
The Causeway Between Our Hearts
Tonight, I eye the wind
as it dances on the water
singing of the distance
that no longer can be closed
Well, I told you I was selfish
there were no children in me
Unwilling to stir for a moment
from this endless daydream
where I father my creativity
You told me that you knew me
our hearts beating to that same drum set
and no one must wake you either
That carving pretty worlds
Monday 24th August 2020 4:04 pm
Recent Comments
TOM MERTON on Daily storage and remounting of Masterpieces
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Tom Doolan on Left Handed Man
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Flyntland on billabong dreams
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TOM MERTON on Only for the wind
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Pinnochio on Only for the wind
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TOM MERTON on billabong dreams
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