The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Getting my thoughts in a thinking twist!

I thought about something


I thought about something else

then I thought

why am I thinking about thoughts like that?

thought I knew better

so I thought


I'll try not to think anymore about that thought

that I shouldn't have been thinking about

and went back to thinking about the thought

that I WAS thinking about before I thought about

the somethin...

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The forever King of myself

Never will I be taken for a fool especially by fools

their opinions hold as much value as melting ice

I am an expert at standing my ground

lay on every bed of nails I've known

coming off them all with my dreams still intact

I'm not prepared to ever be defeated  

or willing to accept an Escariot helping hand

against waves of sorrow I am the successfully repelling Canute


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Giving gold star payback to her vexed ex

so deliciously heartwarming to know

that despite your hating of me so

and trying to metaphorically stab my back

because of the love you lack

that when all is said

I'm having fun living and laughing FOREVER inside your head

so blunt is your knife

so VERY sad your green niggling life


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