The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 49 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Columbus aftermath

How I pity his ghost if it is still in existance

seeing the results of what his legacy came to be

after he and his crew courageously

sailed sailed and landed

in a boat less than todays trawler size unbelievably!


coast to coast continent webbings of railways

iron horses pulling packed to the gunnels coach after

coach after coach

filled with pioneers hunters gold grabber...

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Henrys first for the chop

Over the years

plays would be made about her very much

terribly shortened life

but she was in the original

with real blood in it

her blood!

no wonder Anne wasn't looking forward

to the finsl acts( axe )

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Playing her green card

Using layer upon layer of her lying imagination

she is able to put more and more 'flesh' 

on the non-existent body of her newfound lover

until that invented ghost born from and of nothing

is now a believed and envied presence

in the lately becoming disinterested mind

of her bored ex-lover

he being in the process of closing the doors to a heart

that she wanted to live in


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