Back Then
Trisha M. Hopkins
Dedicated to my mother Christine Barrek
I love you mom
I remember Back then
When i was a kid
The memories i hold
On everything i did
And the stories my mommy told
Tucking me into bed
Saying sweet dreams love you and don't let the bed bugs bite
Then before leaving the room
She'd kiss me on my forehead
And i'd reply with "love you and...
Monday 9th February 2015 12:54 am
*Violence To Ones Own*
Trisha M. Hopkins
Waiting for him, sitting in the car
Under the erie moonlight
Imagening what he'll do
Seing him in the distance, Seeing him in the night
His mind shouting "I'm going to get you!"
He sees himself going after the man
He sees himself dragging him, dragging, dragging
Tying the man up
Everything is so dim
Under the erie moonlight
Monday 9th February 2015 12:23 am
Following The Birds
Ballad from my dream
September.15.1995 / September-7-2013
*Updated 2.20.2014*
Trisha M. Hopkins
Im enjoying my walk along outside
Enjoying the warm morning sun
Small animals begin to scurry and hide
Finally my work is done
Here comes some beautiful birds
I see them out of the corner of my eye
I try my hardest to them
But they are too far up in the blue sky
I begin to follow
This ...
Monday 9th February 2015 12:16 am
The Day You Begin To Live
Trisha M. Hopkins
The day you begin to live
Is the day you start to die
Things you see aren't what you believe
Even the first tear you cry
Is already the thing of the past
The hardest you try
You cant make the day last
The day you take your first breath
Is the day you gasp for air
Trying to figure out whats next
The sound of angels is what you hear
Sunday 8th February 2015 11:35 pm
*The Day The Angels Cried*
The Day The Angels Cried
September-16 & 17-2002
Trisha M. Hopkins
Dedicated to those of 9/11
The day the angels cried
We lost our life and our pride
The day the angels cried
Is the day we lost our children, husband, and wives
What has changed?
The strength of the world, our lives
Its been rearranged
The one above
He'll help us through
All we can do is love
The on...
Sunday 8th February 2015 10:58 pm
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