The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Wind and Rain

I’ve never liked this world

So much 

To be fair 

It’s not the world

That’s to blame 

It’s the people 

I’ve always felt

A sense of meanness 

Hidden behind 

Or inside them 

And so 

I guess

I just thought 


As a 





But now 

As I look back 

Or maybe 

It’s just 

Where I’m at

Maybe it isn’t 


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The Wheel

It's funny 
You know
This obsession 
the human animal
Has with wheels
They changed its life
They made it 
They helped it 
Move things
It couldn't possibly 
And now 
We wait
Slaves to technology
And whilst we wait
A little wheel spins
Maybe it's on
The screen
Maybe it's out 
Of the corner 
Of our eyes
Maybe it's not visible
At all
The spinning wheel
Reminding u...

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The Gift

I keep treading on snails

And you see

I really don’t like killing things


Spiders, flies, insects, and snails

And today

I wondered 

What the lesson was

And now I think I know

I need to look 

where I’m putting my feet

This may sound obvious 

But what I really mean is

I need to be more grounded

In the morning

when I tend to tread on snails 


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Behind the curtain

I am not seen 

And I am not heard 

But I am not a ghost

You see 

And I suppose 

This is a little 


I am seen 

And I am heard

Quite a lot

And though 

It is my voice 

and my face

It is not me

And therein 


The problem 

For who is it

They see

And hear

And where Indeed

Am I 

Other than somewhere 

Inside my



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To my dad

Most times

The world ticks on

As though

It never happened 

And maybe 


Still there 

And other times

It’s back 

Behind the eyes

Bashing at the heart 

Or behind it

Somewhere at least

Rattling the rib cage

And I can see

Where you stood

Where you slept

Your ghost 

I guess

Except at least 

If there was a ghost

I might 

Entertain at...

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The Magic Mirror

You know
We all swallow our
Are all poisoned by
Our own bad
We paint a picture
Of the day 
Upon our 
Inane happy faces
Set our alarms
And struggle 
Out of bed
Trudge the Monday morning
Salute the Friday finish
Buy dreams in
Bottles or in packets
From here or there
Always someone 
Will sell
Always someone 
Will buy
And we spend our
Free time

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Hanging on a thread

I’ve never felt 

So alive

And yet 

So close 

So on the verge 

So on the edge

Like a great 


Too good to

Be true



 I can feel

The heart beat

Of exactly 

Where I’m supposed to be

And all the lights 


Like the fates

Have all lined


With torches 

Of fire 

And of passion 

And then 



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And then I die

A word of warning 

My friend


Im watching this 


On Telly 

You know

It’s one of those

He did this

They did that

Someone died 

Then a another someone 

It looked like an accident 

It wasn’t 

There were some clues

I think I 

Missed them

And then I think

I haven’t a clue 

What is actually 

Going on

And maybe 

I’m not 

Giving it...

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