The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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A civil war, where the mind is as powerful as the gun

I think we need a civil war,


‘Cos change can never come from petitions,

Whilst politicians don’t even make the decisions.

And it’s not about royalty or roundhead,

It’s more like Malcom X said there’s field slaves,

And those stuck in the house brain dead.


A civil war,


Overthrowing central banks,

Burning Union flags and oil tanks,

Knocking on ...

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You don't have to look far to see where we're headin',

Look at Greece and Ireland it's a bloodless armageden.

The Global Insurection Against Banker Occuption,

Is being fought on the front line by european nations.


Mothers and fathers skipping meals for sons and daughters,

The electricity's cut off, like the water.

Then it's out in the street,

The downbeat's com...

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I might look like a mortal man to you

Updated 2/2/13


I might look like a mortal man to you,

But I was brought here tonight just to speak to you,

From a higher dimension, where nobody is ever born or dies,

Where we don't get cataracts on our mind's eye.


Sometimes I like to sit alone on a throne of bone,

Made from children social services stole from their homes,

And kids who lost their souls in...

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Lack of information is obscene and cronic

Lack of information is obscene and cronic,
Holds you back like the bars of a prison that are socio-economic,
When all you know is what Fiona Bruce told you so
Why would you worry about GMOs from Monsanto?
In schools we're taught no sense of identity,
Like a man running for office, no personality,
Because they know if we had any sense of who we are,
There's no way in hell we'd let ...

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I'm from a land where

I'm from a land where,

Two girls on the bus to school is revolutionary,

Where we bury boxes full of our still born children,

'Cos experimental biological weapons more or less killed them.

Plus the starvation, and working on the opium plantation,

Whilst Halibuton gets paid to rebuild my nation,

MPs with hidden interests plan my leader's assasination.

From London to Lo...

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CorruptionDrugsAfghanistanprotestfree versegovernment

My Opinion of the Christian God is shitty

My opinion of the Christian God is shitty,

I'll put my hand on the Bible and tell any girl she's pretty!

Like a homeless child clinging to a pipe for warmth, steaming

Flithy, but I'll give her a cleaning.

If you think there's a difference between Tories and Labour you're dreaming,

Like two junkies and one crack pipe they're fiending,

Besides all the power's with the cent...

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protestfreedomreligionfree verse

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