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ready to die (Remove filter)

Ready To Die

She let anger consume her heart,

Rage and love was not far apart. 

All emotions kept bottled up inside,

So she didn’t open up or confide. 


Fury itself could not compete with her,

Madness just continued to stir. 

Wrath didn't say a word, 

But temper suddenly spurred. 


A darkness clouded her whole being, Realising her whole life had no meaning.

Praying one last t...

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Notorious B.I.G1994Ready To DieHip Hop

Hold ya head

Got that Bob Marley “every little thing” playing in my head. 

Whilst thinking about all those whose belittled me, replaying what they said. 

My emotions wreaking havoc, and it’s starting to spread.

Infected with anxiety whilst living in this dread.

Feeling like the only cure is the liberation of being dead.

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anxietyready to diesuicidal thoughts

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