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Direct speech in poetry

Is there a rule / convention regarding direct speech in English poetry?
I've written:

‘But where is beauty? Show me’, you insist,

in one of my poems.
Should it be single or double quotes or italics?
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 10:42 am
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I don't think there's a rule, but these days I much prefer italics. I think it looks better.
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 12:56 pm
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My view is speech marks ( 66 and 99) around all words actually spoken even in poetry. I am old school, though. Very old!
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 01:52 pm
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I'd agee with Greg from the visual point of view.
Instinctively I'd go for quotes to avoid any doubt.

In my book of Edwin Waugh's Lanc's dialect poetry-about 130 yrs old- Verse 6 from Little Doffer mixes italics for emphasis, quotes, then shouty capitals for more emphasis

Th’lad grinned, an’ said, “They never han
To co’ me then, -no fear!” (then in italics)
Said th’o’erlooker, “How’s that, my lad?”
Said th’lad, “I’m AL’YS THEER!”

Thanks both for that-any more views very welcome.
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 02:53 pm
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