The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

<Deleted User> (10628)

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Dreams by Mogotsi Lebz

Performed by Mogotsi Lebz

When dreams are put on the line
And you're clothes are wet
There's no rushing the sun rays
Or using oil heaters for them to dry
When dreams are left to subside
The burning urge itself can get u high
Can dreams prepare u to die?
For when shut eyes, your imagination gives rise and sees passages further
Than skies.
When dreams are you're only link to the father, you see his Glorious image in a cloud, woken by a Brother
Its the Poets time to march, hold banners for the masses, protest for the sake of unheard souls
A collection of wise owls, getting lost in pro-nouns try'na pave the future
Through words,
Erasing stigmas and deleting stereotypes.
The poets Muthi casts its spell
To free followers hiding in a shell
Guidance from a 5yr old mother
Teaching his 29yr old son
How u may ask?
To the wise its known
Riddled like a pun
Aimed from the elephants, well backed firing gun.

I am the one, son that opened his eyes and responded to the calling
Arose to the call of purpose my duty un-sprung
While wet dreams clutter my mind
From perversionz behavior
The deed was done
Erected on the seed from the sand came a tongue.
That speaks images of truth
Before the morning has come!

He who rocks the bells of sunrise we forever grateful to, sitting in his chapel
And monitoring time
Taking roll call, so acknowledge that you've been counted, have a role in this path, on earth where your feet have been mounted.
For u too stem from the Son/Sun that came of age to pass teachings via preaching s
Yes thy kingdom is done!

When dreams are on the line
And are played out in you're day
Its ruthless to leave homes rushing without
Thanking through a Pray-er
For when that happens u hand over and give a fraction of power to the slayer,
Mental control, tampering with you're behavior.

So on most days automatically the devil has won.
Not to worry, you Reborn! He is eternally kept in the cage where he morns, to share a smile with his father
I say forget all else let's make a pact to send preachers in the depths of hell and have em lay hands on the devil
While the rest of us hold him down,
Pin him down till he sleeps for through his altered dreams he will awake to be one of Gods sheep
As dreams are a play on time
Saving demons there's always the next in line, the ripple effect playing on eternity's might. Its morning so the tombs we arise, bring light to the situation.
Try and make contact with the spiritual evangelism nation, Rasta pleas for repatriation, Allah requests unto thee Shalom daily Phrases in desperation
Of those that lost their way home
Even with a garmin and a satellite giving way on a radio station
The campus we embracing is the Book
Stuffed under the bed discarded when you look. The Poets role is to dream with guidance!
Conciountize the vision and give rest to the common dreamer, break barriers of the un-believer, convert him into an achiever for they know what it means to fail, walking in the darkness, knowing the truth could prevail.

Its morning dreamer!
We set the winds in your sails, the Masters reply, you are now strapped in and in accordance with the Most High. Take flight
Your journey begins. That you can never deny! The mode of transport is you're eyes, feet carry this passenger. You are now souring the sky.
Its a long road ahead. Don't you ever look behind, you will get enough time to reflect.

Maybe when u Die!!!!

- Mogotsi Lebz
Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:08 am
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<Deleted User> (10628)

Performed by Mogotsi Lebz

When dreams are put on the line
And you're clothes are wet
There's no rushing the sun rays
Or using oil heaters for them to dry
When dreams are left to subside
The burning urge itself can get u high
Can dreams prepare u to die?
For when shut eyes, your imagination gives rise and sees passages further
Than skies.
When dreams are you're only link to the father, you see his Glorious image in a cloud, woken by a Brother
Its the Poets time to march, hold banners for the masses, protest for the sake of unheard souls
A collection of wise owls, getting lost in pro-nouns try'na pave the future
Through words,
Erasing stigmas and deleting stereotypes.
The poets Muthi casts its spell
To free followers hiding in a shell
Guidance from a 5yr old mother
Teaching his 29yr old son
How u may ask?
To the wise its known
Riddled like a pun
Aimed from the elephants, well backed firing gun.

I am the one, son that opened his eyes and responded to the calling
Arose to the call of purpose my duty un-sprung
While wet dreams clutter my mind
From perversionz behavior
The deed was done
Erected on the seed from the sand came a tongue.
That speaks images of truth
Before the morning has come!

He who rocks the bells of sunrise we forever grateful to, sitting in his chapel
And monitoring time
Taking roll call, so acknowledge that you've been counted, have a role in this path, on earth where your feet have been mounted.
For u too stem from the Son/Sun that came of age to pass teachings via preaching s
Yes thy kingdom is done!

When dreams are on the line
And are played out in you're day
Its ruthless to leave homes rushing without
Thanking through a Pray-er
For when that happens u hand over and give a fraction of power to the slayer,
Mental control, tampering with you're behavior.

So on most days automatically the devil has won.
Not to worry, you Reborn! He is eternally kept in the cage where he morns, to share a smile with his father
I say forget all else let's make a pact to send preachers in the depths of hell and have em lay hands on the devil
While the rest of us hold him down,
Pin him down till he sleeps for through his altered dreams he will awake to be one of Gods sheep
As dreams are a play on time
Saving demons there's always the next in line, the ripple effect playing on eternity's might. Its morning so the tombs we arise, bring light to the situation.
Try and make contact with the spiritual evangelism nation, Rasta pleas for repatriation, Allah requests unto thee Shalom daily Phrases in desperation
Of those that lost their way home
Even with a garmin and a satellite giving way on a radio station
The campus we embracing is the Book
Stuffed under the bed discarded when you look. The Poets role is to dream with guidance!
Conciountize the vision and give rest to the common dreamer, break barriers of the un-believer, convert him into an achiever for they know what it means to fail, walking in the darkness, knowing the truth could prevail.

Its morning dreamer!
We set the winds in your sails, the Masters reply, you are now strapped in and in accordance with the Most High. Take flight
Your journey begins. That you can never deny! The mode of transport is you're eyes, feet carry this passenger. You are now souring the sky.
Its a long road ahead. Don't you ever look behind, you will get enough time to reflect.

Maybe when u Die!!!!

- Mogotsi Lebz
Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:09 am
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Hi Mogotsi Lebz. This is a piewacker of a poem you have put up here for us to read. What a wealth of images and a grand rolling style, with a lot of rhyme to tie it together. I recognise the language of the bible and preaching in here, but there is some personal comment too, and a searching for meaning perhaps. Clearly a lot of modern references and some student days mixed in. I hope some other poets come to look too. This group has been quiet for a bit so it got overlooked. Have you put any poems on the blogs?
Wed, 12 Dec 2012 08:26 pm
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My kind thanks. Coupled with the snail mail response. Highly appreciated nostalgic as it may...
😊 Thanks again. Lebz
Wed, 27 Mar 2024 12:33 am
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Lois South

Hi Mogotsi

Such a beautiful poem. You use a lot of beautiful religious imagery which I am very fond of and I enjoyed the story
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:59 am
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