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Instagram Poets

We've talked about Instagram poets on Write Out Loud ... young poets who have huge followings on Instagram, and who have often become bestselling poets as a result. Here's a useful guide from the New Statesman to the most successful of them ... There are certainly statements in there that I'd take issue with, such as describing Hollie McNish as the UK's answer to Rupi Kaur. But I wonder what others think?
Sun, 10 Mar 2019 05:39 pm
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I briefly saw a piece that said that Frank Skinner was going to bring poetry to the masses. I wish I'd taken it seriously and read it all. As if!
Mon, 18 Mar 2019 06:14 pm
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good article. i'm torn between disliking them (kaur especially is utterly banal, her book milk and honey is one of the worst things i have ever bought) and enjoying the fact that, through their work, people who would otherwise never read any poetry might discover that they like it. we can always use more outlets.

it's a lot like the band mumford and sons. utterly reviled in 'musical' circles for their bland folk-rock but through them people discovered a lot of good music. so does it matter?

the mcnish thing is nonsense i agree.
Mon, 18 Mar 2019 07:03 pm
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This perspective interests me because I feel I have developed confidence in my poetry by using Instagram as a platform.

I don’t think I would have joined my local Write Out Loud without connecting with other poets through Instagram first.

That being said, I am keen to develop my writing and put together a collection and at this point, I feel I would approach fellow poets both through Instagram and in person for feedback and advice.
Thu, 4 Jul 2019 07:51 pm
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I'd do it but I'm technological simpleton and don't know how ?

J. x
Thu, 4 Jul 2019 10:11 pm
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